GLightOff is a simple (but not so easy to solve!) puzzle game.
The goal is to switch off all the lights on the 5x5 board.
Finally 1.0.0 now that GTK+-2.6 is out.
This new release features misc bugfixes and the ability to play the game with the keyboard.
Minor bugfixes and add spanish translation by David Lara. don't esitate to send other translations!
(version 0.2.2 has been sacrified to the cvs god)
Fixed greeting message
svg graphics! svg images of light bulbs replaced the ugly black and white circles... they look like were drawn by a 5 years old child for the first time in front of a pc, but they're better of what was there before :)
First release!
Tarballs can be downloaded from the project page
The cvs repository is hosted on GNOME cvs.
For any bug, comment, patch, suggestion, whatever send a mail to <pborelli AT>